Jacksonville Cello Studio

& Cello Serenade
(904) 235-9039
Note Reading and Music Theory Practice.
Online Resources.
Tuner & Metronome: theonlinemetronome.com
The "Young Person's Guide to Making Music"
"10 Easy Ways to Optimize Your Music Practice"
"4 Ways to Hear More in Music"
Links to local music ensembles and performing arts calendars.
Jacksonville Symphony Youth Orchestra: jaxsymphony.org
Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra: http://www.jaxsymphony.org/
St. Augustine Orchestra: https://staugustineorchestra.org/
Beaches Fine Arts Concert Series: http://www.beachesfinearts.org/
Friday Musicale: http://fridaymusicale.com/
Amelia Island Chamber Music Festival: http://www.ameliaislandchambermusicfestival.com/
St. Augustine Music Festival: http://www.staugustinemusicfestival.org/
UNF Department of Music Concert Calendar: http://www.unf.edu/coas/music/Calendar.aspx
Douglas Anderson School of the Arts: http://dcps.duvalschools.org/anderson
Lavilla School of the Arts: http://www.duvalschools.org/lavilla